Bitvise SSH Server And Client New Version Download Torrent

Free Download Bitvise SSH Server and Client for Windows PC. It was previously known as Tunnelier and is a versatile tool for secure remote access and file transfer.

Overview of Bitvise SSH Server and Client

It offers a comprehensive suite of features tailored to meet users’ needs, requiring secure remote access and file transfer capabilities. Its intuitive interface and extensive feature set make it a reliable solution for individuals and businesses seeking secure SSH and SFTP connections.

Key Features

    • Graphic Interface with Extensive Control: One of the standout features is its graphical interface, which provides users comprehensive control over various options. Unlike traditional command-line interfaces, it simplifies the configuration process, allowing users to adjust settings quickly.
    • Support for Multiple Authentication Methods: It supports a range of authentication methods, including RSA, DSA, and SSPI. This flexibility ensures that users can choose the authentication method best suits their security requirements.
    • Protocol Support: The program supports multiple protocols, including bvterm, xterm, and vt100. This broad protocol support enables seamless communication across different environments and systems.
    • FTP-to-SFTP Bridge Connections: It allows users to establish FTP-to-SFTP bridge connections, facilitating secure file transfers between FTP and SFTP servers. This feature streamlines file transfer processes and enhances overall efficiency.
    • Encryption and Compression: This tool allows users to configure encryption and compression settings to ensure the security and efficiency of data transfers over secure connections. By customizing these parameters, users can optimize performance while maintaining robust security measures.

System Requirements

    • Operating System: Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7
    • Processor: Minimum 1 GHz Processor (2.4 GHz recommended)
    • RAM: 2GB (4GB or more recommended)
    • Free Hard Disk Space: 200MB or more is recommended


Bitvise SSH Server and Client offers a user-friendly solution for secure remote access and file transfer on Windows platforms. Its intuitive interface, extensive feature set, and robust security measures empower users to confidently establish secure connections and transfer files. Whether you’re an individual user or a business looking for reliable SSH and SFTP capabilities, it provides the tools to streamline your remote access and file transfer workflows.

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